Monday, September 17, 2012

Keynote Speaker: Brian Chapman

Source: Purdue Univ.

We are very pleased to announce that Brian Chapman, head of Global Design and Development for Hasbro, will be our keynote speaker on January 21, 2012.   Mr. Chapman has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design from Purdue University, with a minor in psychology.   Over the past twenty years at Hasbro, he has worked on popular toys and games such as My Little Pony, Monopoly, Playdoh, and Tonka.   Chapman also has helped create Hasbro’s movies, including the Transformers films and GI Joe

Friday, September 14, 2012


Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

Welcome to the Bryant IDEA Program Blog!

Welcome to the Bryant IDEA Program Blog.  In January 2013, we will be launching an exciting new program for first-year students at Bryant University.   Second semester will not begin with a traditional class schedule.  Instead, first-year students will spend their first three days working on innovation projects with guidance and mentoring from faculty, staff, alumni, and juniors/seniors here at the school.   The program will introduce students to the principles of design thinking and then unleash them on these projects.  We will engage them in the ultimate "learning by doing" exercise - 800 students all working in teams on challenging "real world" problems - no boring lectures, no sage on the stage during this program.   Along the way, they will learn about themselves, about leadership and team dynamics, and about the creative process.  Perhaps most importantly, we will be bringing students together from business and the liberal arts, so that they can bring multiple disciplines to bear on each of these challenging problems.   We hope that you will enjoy this blog.  While it is intended to serve as a resource for this new program, we hope that it will be useful to others outside of the university as well.